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The Location HQ “Hot Stuff” Jobs Board is back! (Because there is finally some work again)

Relaunching this is hopefully perfect timing as we are getting constant requests for work and some people are really struggling to find it, or get a decent run of days.

Recruiters: This is a free service. it is a quick and easy way to get resumes on your desk and goes out to over 8000 crew and production.

Recruits: All resumes into

It is basically a free CV forwarding service – We do not operate as an agent. 

If anyone else is looking, do let us know as we know many people looking for work right now. 

Just to let you know that we don’t play favourites. Everything gets forwarded. We are not involved beyond CV forwarding stage. It is down to production to reach out with offers.

Rates: Everyone likes a good deal, but stick to your rate cards.

Good luck to everyone in 2024!