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Registering a location is easy and free.

Please fill in the form below with the details of your property. Please send your images via and enter “email to” as In the message area, please put your name and the first line of your address for our reference.

Upon receipt, one of our team members will assess the suitability of your property for our library and will be in touch to discuss your location in more detail.

Location details


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Is your property the next big film location?

The film industry is always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to entertain audiences. The movie industry is a massive £265 billion business worldwide, and recently released figures show that in 2018 people spent £166 billion on cinema tickets alone.

If you want to make your property a shooting location, there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Whether you’re an aspiring filmmaker, a property owner, or a developer, you can attract a film crew to your Location.

Whether you decide to go big or go small, luxury or rustic, there is an opportunity for you and your property. There are no limitations to the creative imaginations of the talent we work with.